Outsider Artist?
I did not enter post-secondary school art academia studies.
Instead I chose to be self-taught and follow an intuitive path to discover the elements of drawing and painting as needed.
Therefore I see my development as a painter to be a natural process and extension of the ideas and passion I wish to express.
Painting & Process
Plein air paintings done on location are more objective observations and help define and put ‘legs‘ on my more subjective expressionist paintings from imagination done in the studio. There’s a deconstruction of light colour and form towards an exploratory rebuilding of these elements to form some new imagined idea or scene. It’s like having one foot on the ground and one in the clouds. An expressionist approach is without the ridged parameters or expectations found in observational work. It’s a good outlet for my imagination over needing to search outside myself for inspiration. Creating conditions to be inspired seems like building a gate to the fun park.
The paintings from imagination start as an uncertain dreamy vision. Parts yet to be defined stir my imagination. To compose a painting I divide the canvas into light and shade and work towards what I find interesting. The vision becomes more defined thru plane definition as it moves towards a crystallized vision. I paint until I capture some essence of its original inspiration as its final expression.I call these paintings ‘Daydreamscapes’.
~ Skot MacDougall, 2023